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Current TWISTER!! features:

free, no paid version available

unlimited rotators, use one to promote your opportunities, a second as your private start page rotator and so on

unlimited URLs, enter as many web pages you want/have

individual frequency setting, you decide how often each URL should be shown (absolute or relative frequency calculation, the system automatically adjusts to changes)

individual hit counter, see exactly how many hits each URL received

no advertisments, you can even turn off the rotator bar completely

scroll your own message in the rotator bar

... integrated popunder and automated traffic exchange, "unrotated" URLs and more.

Sign up free and receive 1000 credits in our traffic exchange program!

Enter your Information
E-mail (no free e-mail service!):
Choose a user name (max 12 digits):
Choose a password (max 9 digits):
Confirm password:

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